The History and Effectiveness of “Stop, Drop, and Roll”


“Stop, Drop, and Roll” is a simple yet highly effective fire safety technique taught worldwide. Its history is deeply rooted in fire prevention education and has become an iconic phrase in safety training programs. This article delves into the origins of this life-saving method, its evolution, and the statistics showcasing its success in preventing fire-related injuries.

Origins and Evolution

The “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique was developed in response to the need for a straightforward and memorable way to teach people, especially children, how to react if their clothing catches fire. Before this phrase was popularized, fire safety education primarily focused on fire prevention and evacuating burning buildings. Still, there was a gap in addressing what to do when personal clothing ignites.

Early Fire Safety Education

In the early 20th century, fire safety education was relatively rudimentary, often limited to basic instructions about avoiding fires and calling the fire department. As industrialization progressed and urban populations grew, fire incidents became more frequent, highlighting the necessity for more comprehensive fire safety protocols.

Development of “Stop, Drop, and Roll”

The exact origin of the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique is somewhat obscure, but it gained significant traction in the 1970s. During this period, fire safety education transformed partly due to the increased awareness of fire hazards and the need for effective public safety campaigns. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and other safety organizations began promoting this technique as part of a broader strategy to improve fire safety education.

Widespread Adoption

By the late 1970s and early 1980s, “Stop, Drop, and Roll” became a staple in fire safety education across the United States. Schools, fire departments, and public safety organizations adopted this technique, incorporating it into educational materials, safety drills, and public service announcements. The simplicity of the phrase made it easy for children and adults alike to remember and execute during an emergency.

The Technique Explained

The “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique consists of three crucial steps:

  1. Stop: Cease any movement immediately. Running or flailing can fan the flames and spread the fire quickly.
  2. Drop: Get to the ground quickly. This helps to prevent flames from reaching the face and hair.
  3. Roll: Roll over and over on the ground until the flames are extinguished. This smothers the fire by depriving it of oxygen.

Effectiveness and Impact

The effectiveness of “Stop, Drop, and Roll” is supported by anecdotal evidence, personal accounts of its success, and statistical data. It has been credited with saving countless lives and preventing severe injuries.

Statistical Success

Several studies and reports highlight the success of “Stop, Drop, and Roll” in reducing fire-related injuries:

  1. Reduction in Burn Injuries: According to a report by the NFPA, the adoption of “Stop, Drop, and Roll” has contributed to a significant decrease in the severity of burn injuries among children. Schools that regularly conduct fire safety drills report fewer severe burn incidents.
  2. Public Awareness: As reported by the American Burn Association, over 90% of respondents recognized the phrase “Stop, Drop, and Roll,” which indicates a high level of public awareness and an understanding of the technique.
  3.  Fire Safety Education: Data from the U.S. Fire Administration shows that communities with robust fire safety education programs, which are comprehensive and well-implemented, including “Stop, Drop, and Roll,” experience lower rates of fire-related injuries.


“Stop, Drop, and Roll” remains a cornerstone of fire safety education, embodying the principles of simplicity, memorability, and effectiveness. Its history reflects the evolution of public safety strategies and the continuous effort to protect individuals from fire-related hazards. As fire safety education continues to evolve, the fundamental principles of “Stop, Drop, and Roll” will undoubtedly remain a vital part of saving lives and preventing injuries.


  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
  • American Burn Association
  • U.S. Fire Administration

Understanding the history and effectiveness of ‘Stop, Drop, and Roll’ is informative and crucial for our safety. It underscores the importance of fire safety education and its impact on our communities. This simple technique is more than just a phrase; it is a life-saving strategy everyone should know and practice.